About Me

I am a teenage quizzer from India. I started this quiz blog out of my love for quizzing. It is for the quizzers by a quizzer, so guest questions will be appreciated. Look out for new questions every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday! You can subscribe via e-mail, follow me on twitter (@RoopakSays) or just click follow this blog.

Friday 24 February 2012

Question 007: The name's Bond

X is a 1983 movie in which an aging Bond is brought back to MI6 to recover missiles stolen by SPECTRE.

Y is a 1967 satirical film in which a former bond girl has been recast and James Bond is played by the actor who was originally chosen to play the character.

What is the relation between X and Y?

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Question 6: The One.

This aircraft X first flew in December 1988. It is designed to carry a total of 450,000 kg of cargo. It has no less than 6 Ivchenko Progress engines and can reach speeds of 850km/h. It is often leased out to other countries/companies for ultra-heavy transport at approximately 57 euros per km and thus holds around 240 records in the Guinness Book of World records. It's name literally means Dream. Identify X. (2pts)

Sunday 19 February 2012

Question 5: English!

Explain what's so unique about this specific car apart from the fact that it's a prop from a movie. (2 pts.)

Friday 17 February 2012

Question 4: Spicing things up...

Connect: (3 pts)

Hint: Consider a famous line said, by the man being assassinated, during the events of the painting.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Question 3: Take that...!

This culinary phenomenon _X_ came about when the head chef at a resort was mad at his his patron for complaining about the _Y_ being soggy and bland. The patron loved the new creation,then called Saratoga _X_ and today, you can't imagine the world without it. (2 pts.)
Identify X (no extra points for identifying Y)

Sunday 12 February 2012

Question 2: The passing of a Legend

Identify the circuit and state why it shot to infamy. Also state the significance of the two underlined corners. (3 pts.)

1. First!

Hi! This is the first ever post of my first ever blog. I know you've come here for the quizzing, so I'll cut to the chase.
This technology X  primarily used in aviation and navigation accidentally spun off the common household technology Y and was patented by Raytheon in 1945. The starting point of this process was the melting of a chocolate bar (That's a hint right there)
Identify X and Y. (2 pts.)